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Discover in-depth details regarding common dermatological conditions that can be effectively treated with the help of our innovative range of treatment options. From acne, rosacea, eczema, to inflammatory skin conditions, psoriasis, seborrhoea, warts and other disorders, the following list covers a range of topics that provide you a deeper understanding of the condition you may have. If you are at all concerned with one or more of the dermatological conditions listed below, schedule a consultation with us and together we can formulate a bespoke and tailored treatment plan for you.

Area of Concern


An allergy is an abnormal response of the body to a foreign body, known as an “antigen”. This involves the immune system recognising this antigen and mounting one of a few types of response.

Most allergic reactions are mild to moderate, and do not cause major problems. However, some people may experience a severe allergic reaction called anaphylaxis which requires immediate lifesaving medication. Allergens which may cause anaphylaxis include foods, insects and medications.

Some of the most common skin problems that can be triggered by allergy include atopic dermatitis (eczema) and urticaria (hives). A few of the common types of allergies that dermatologists commonly see are discussed below:

Allergic contact dermatitis (contact allergy)

Allergic contact dermatitis is a form of eczema that is caused by an allergic reaction to a material which comes into contact with the skin. The allergen is usually harmless to people who are not allergic to it.

Allergic contact dermatitis usually arises hours after contact with the responsible material. It settles down over the course of a few days providing the skin is no longer in contact with the allergen.

Allergic contact dermatitis is also generally confined to the site of contact with the allergen, but may extend outside the contact area or become generalised.

Common examples of this include:

  • Metals (eg nickel) found in some jewellery items and watches
  • Fragrances in perfumes and cosmetic products
  • Rosin found in adhesive plasters causing “plaster allergy”
  • Paraphenylene diamine in permanent hair dye leading to rashes over the face and neck

Food allergy

Foods that commonly cause allergy include peanuts, dairy products, eggs and seafood. As infants are given formula milk, cow’s milk allergy may develop and this can cause eczema, asthma, and stomach upset.

Food allergy is due to an immunological reaction to a food protein that can be either immediate (occurring seconds to minutes after eating or touching the food item), or delayed (occurring hours or days later).

Food allergy is most common in young babies (4%), who most often outgrow their allergies. About 2% of adults also suffer from an allergy to one or more foods. The tendency to food allergy runs in families.