Discover in-depth details regarding common dermatological conditions that can be effectively treated with the help of our innovative range of treatment options. From acne, rosacea, eczema, to inflammatory skin conditions, psoriasis, seborrhoea, warts and other disorders, the following list covers a range of topics that provide you a deeper understanding of the condition you may have. If you are at all concerned with one or more of the dermatological conditions listed below, schedule a consultation with us and together we can formulate a bespoke and tailored treatment plan for you.
Many people suffer from lumps or bumps on the surface of their skin or deeper in the skin layers. Whilst many of these growths may be benign, some of them may occasionally be malignant. When it comes to your skin, it is always better to be safe than sorry. It is therefore advisable to first consult your trained, board-certified dermatologist for an accurate diagnosis before deciding on the most suitable management for both medical and cosmetic reasons.
Some common benign skin growths such as moles, skin tags, seborrhoeic keratosis, sebaceous hyperplasia, syringomas, lipomas, and epidermal cysts are discussed below.
Skin tags
Skin tags are harmless skin-coloured or brown growths, which commonly occur on the neck, underarm, groins and eyelids. They vary in size from less than 1 mm to pedunculated ones that can be as large as 1cm. They are usually asymptomatic and often occur as multiple lesions.
Skin tags can be easily removed after the application of topical anaesthesia by snip excision with electrocautery or CO2 laser. This can be done on the same day at our clinic with on-site surgical facilities. After the procedure, there will be small scabs which heal in 1-2 weeks.
Seborrhoeic keratosis (age spots)
These lesions are superficial skin overgrowths which appear in increasing numbers with age. They are typically brown and slightly raised in the early stages but may become fairly large, darkly pigmented and more raised over time. They are commonly located on the face, scalp, trunk and limbs.
Cosmetic removal of seborrhoeic keratoses can be performed in a variety of ways. Early flat seborrhoeic keratoses can be treated with pigment laser, or liquid nitrogen. Raised seborrhoeic keratoses are best treated with electrocautery or CO2 laser.
Sebaceous hyperplasia
Sebaceous hyperplasias are yellowish lesions often seen on the face starting in middle-age. They have a characteristic central dimpling and are due to a proliferation of oil glands just below the surface of the skin.
Sebaceous hyperplasia may be treated with electrocautery or CO2 laser. These treatments will flatten the lesions but there may be a gradual recurrence of the lesions over time.
Syringomas are benign tumours due to the abnormal proliferation of sweat ducts in the skin. They are flesh coloured papules, often located just below or around the eyes. A family history may be present.
Syringomas may be treated with CO2 laser or electrocautery. The treatment will flatten the lesions but there is a risk of recurrence of the lesions over time.
Lipomas are benign fat tumours that are often located in the subcutaneous tissues of the head, neck, shoulders, trunk and limbs. They are slow-growing and usually present as non-tender, round, mobile masses with a soft doughy feel.
Lipomas can be left alone but can be surgically removed with an excision done under local anaesthesia at our on-site surgical facilities. Lipomas are usually removed through a small incision made in the skin that is overlying. The incisions are usually smaller than the underlying tumor, and the lipoma is dissected and delivered through the incision made. The incision is then stitched up with fine sutures which can be removed between 7-14 days depending on the location of the surgery.
Epidermal cysts (sebaceous cysts)
Epidermal cysts are smooth, dome shaped bumps that occur beneath the skin, and are often seen on the face, scalp or trunk. A strong-smelling cheesy material can sometimes be expressed. These will not disappear without treatment and typically grow in size over time. They occasionally also become inflamed or infected. It is thus best to remove these cysts before symptoms occur or worsen. Epidermal cyst removal is a very safe procedure that can be done on the same day at our clinic with on-site surgical facilities.
Prior to any treatment, Dr Yong who is a dual fellowship-trained dermatological surgeon will first assess your condition and thoroughly discuss your options before you make any decision on surgery.
Epidermal cysts are usually removed via a minimal excision technique. Following local anaesthetic injection to the treatment area, Dr Yong usually makes as small a cut that is feasible on the surface of the skin which will allow for the entire cyst with its cyst wall and contents to be teased out gently. The resulting scar is usually small and cosmetically pleasing. Instead of simply squeezing out or draining the contents of the cyst, this excision method results in a very low rate of recurrence.
Should your epidermal cyst be infected, and swollen, Dr Yong usually recommends first treating with antibiotics, or drainage. She recommends treating the inflammed cyst first so that scarring is reduced during the surgery. This will also allow her to remove most of the cyst wall once the inflammation resolves, and will lower the risk of recurrence.
In summary, some of the procedures we commonly use to remove lumps and bumps at our clinic with on-site surgical facilities include:
- Cryotherapy
- Electrocautery
- Co2 laser
- Surgery
This can all be done on the same day as your appointment to ensure the utmost convenience for you.
Dr Angeline Yong is a consultant dermatologist and dermatological surgeon whose subspecialty interests includes dermatological and laser surgery, and Mohs Micrographic Surgery. As a UK and USA dual fellowship-trained dermatological surgeon, you can be rest assured that you are in good hands. Dr Yong is well-skilled to deliver comprehensive, wholistic and tailored care when it comes to the management of various benign skin growths.