Serums, moisturisers, cleansers – we do so much for the skin, but it is not often that our hair gets enough attention. From blow-drying to teasing and texturising with dry shampoos, there’s a lot of damage done to the scalp without us even realising it. And with increasing levels of sun exposure and environmental factors, you can easily have an unhappy scalp.
Extend your skincare routine to your scalp
If you’re stressing about hair loss, it is important to remember that a healthy head of hair also lies in having a healthy scalp. Similar to the skin on your face, the scalp contains a higher number of sweat glands, sebaceous glands, and hair follicles as compared to everywhere else on your body.
This also means your scalp constantly attract impurities and dirt while producing oil and sweat. Hair follicles do need natural oils to function, but the excess or lack of oils can cause problems too.
Hair care goes beyond than just carrying for your strands. Scalp care plays a role in determining the health and condition of your hair1. It can make a big difference in the rate of your hair loss and the appearance of your hair. As such, it is imperative to build a good scalp care regime as much as the time you spend curating a routine for your face.
Characteristics of poor scalp health
As previously mentioned, the oils and dead skin on your scalp accumulate, which can clog pores and cause issues like dandruff. Hair that tries to sprout from a clogged follicle may be prone to infection. Untreated infections and flakes can negatively affect hair follicle production and influence how healthily and quickly your hair grows or falls out.
Poor scalp health can be characterised by clogged hair follicles, itchiness, scaly patches, dry skin and lack of circulation overall. These can be a major contributor to thinning and damaged hair, and inhibit the growth of healthy hair.
Plus, with various methods of hairstyling practices, these can be implicated as risk factors for scalp and hair dermatoses. Hairdryers, straightener tools and dyes may worsen existing conditions like allergic or irritant dermatitis, increased hair breakage, and scarring alopecia.
The hair growth cycle
The hair follicle anchors the hair into the scalp. It is also where the papilla and bulb are located. Hair growth involves a cyclic regeneration where existing follicles undergo several phases of growth (anagen), regression (catagen) and rest (telogen)2.
In the anagen phase, cells in the hair bulb produce an entire hair shaft, allowing hair to grow from the roots for about 3 to 6 years.
The catagen phase is a transitional one where hair stops growing. Lasting for around 2 to 3 weeks, the hair follicle shrinks and is now known as a “club hair”, where it is no longer in the active stage.
Finally, the resting telogen phase comes next. During this stage, the resting club hair remains in the follicle until it is pushed out by the growth of a new anagen hair. This phase where club hairs are released and shed may last for about 3 months for hairs on the scalp. Resting club hairs can fall out at approximately 50 to 150 hairs a day. This is considered to be normal hair shedding.
While it sounds concerning, each hair follicle goes through the growth cycle at varying times so you won’t lose patches of hair all at once. In fact, 85-90% of your hair will typically be in the anagen phase – so the amount of shedding is barely noticeable!
Strong strands grow from a healthy scalp
But if your hair growth cycle is disrupted, the length of the anagen stage decreases or the hairs enter the resting phase too early. Excess shedding, hair loss and thinning become more obvious. You may also notice your hair becoming weaker and thinner.
A scalp that is healthy and clean from dirt, oil and bacteria is essential to growing a thick, healthy head of hair. This starts from proper scalp care which includes good cleansing and moisturising.
Incorporate circular movements when lathering the shampoo and cleansing the scalp. This also helps to massage the scalp and improve blood circulation to boost scalp and hair health. Follow up with a scalp-friendly conditioner to keep it soothed and hydrated.
Keravive scalp treatment
Newly launched in the United States early this year, the proprietary serum found in Keravive targets scalp and follicle health. It offers a unique treatment to cleanse, hydrate, stimulate and nourish the scalp for fuller and healthier-looking hair.
The scalp treatment is a 3-step program, which comprises of 2 in-office steps and 1 step to be performed daily at home.
Step 1 (in-office): Cleanse and exfoliate the scalp from oil, dirt and impurities while providing hydration to the scalp and hair follicles
Step 2 (in-office): Keravive Peptide Complex Solution, which contains growth factors and skin proteins, is delivered to the scalp to stimulate and provide nourishment
Step 3 (at-home): Daily use of Keravive Complex Spray to enhance the in-office treatment and deliver hair follicle stimulation and nourishment
For optimal results, it is recommended for patients to go for the Keravive scalp treatment once a month for 3 consecutive months. The at-home spray should also be used continuously.
Anyone who has concerns about damaged or thinning hair can benefit by improving scalp circulation and promoting the health of their scalp. With a healthy scalp, it can encourage proper hair growth process for luscious, fuller-looking hair.
Where you can get the Keravive scalp treatment
Seeing a dermatologist who specialises in hair disorders is important to ensure the best care and proper assessment of your condition. At Angeline Yong Dermatology, we are proud to be one of the first dermatology clinics in Singapore to offer the Keravive scalp treatment.
Dr Angeline Yong is a dermatologist and dermatological surgeon with a clinical interest in hair and nail disorders. She has made major contributions at the National Skin Centre, as the founding consultant and lead of the hair transplantation service, before leaving to open her private practice.
Dr Angeline Yong champions healthy hair and skin, offering a wide range of customised care from head to toe that caters to every person’s health and well-being. She also offers various hair loss treatment options including topical and oral medications, low-level laser therapy, and hair transplant surgery.
If you’re keen in the Keravive scalp treatment or have pressing issues regarding your hair, don’t hesitate to contact us today!
1. Nayak, B. S., Ann, C. Y., Azhar, A. B., Ling, E., Yen, W. H., & Aithal, P. A. (2017). A Study on Scalp Hair Health and Hair Care Practices among Malaysian Medical Students. International journal of trichology, 9(2), 58–62. https://doi.org/10.4103/ijt.ijt_76_16
2. Alonso L, Fuchs E. The hair cycle. J Cell Sci. 2006;119(Pt 3):391-393. doi:10.1242/jcs02793