A Guide To Birthmarks: Most Common Types & Laser Removal

Skin Dermatologist Singapore, Dermatology Clinic Singapore

Birthmarks are coloured skin lesions that are noticed at birth or shortly after birth. While we don’t know for sure why birthmarks happen or who gets them, they can become a cause of concern when they are at obvious areas such as the face or when they are significant in size.

In general, birthmarks are categorized into two groups: vascular birthmarks (from the clustering of irregular blood vessels beneath the skin) or pigmented birthmarks (from the sudden proliferation of pigment cells in one area).

Some of the most common types of birthmarks are:

  • Nevus of Ota: often noticed as grey, blue or brown birthmarks on the face. It is comprised of pigments cells in the deeper layers of the skin and can sometimes affect part of the eye or other parts of the body.
  • Port-wine stains: associated with the abnormal formation of small blood vessels under the skin. They appear as red, wine-coloured birthmarks that are permanent and can thicken and darken with time if left untreated.
  • Café au lait spots: flat areas of skin that are typically light brown or tan in colour. They are usually permanent and may increase in size or number over time.
  • Salmon patches: a common type of birthmark that is flat, red or pinkish without a distinctive border. Some are not obvious and may only be noticeable in certain circumstances such as a change of temperature.
  • Haemangioma: raised, bright red or purple spot that is typically soft and compressible to the touch. In rare cases, a haemangioma can grow larger or in a location that interferes with vital organs which require medical removal.

Birthmarks come in a range of colours, shapes and sizes, and while some are permanent and darken over time, others can lighten or fade with age. Fortunately, most birthmarks are harmless; however, many people do end up removing them due to cosmetic reasons.

Pico lasers: the magic eraser for pigmentation

Corticosteroids, surgery and laser therapy are just some of the ways that a birthmark can be removed. In general, the larger the birthmark, the more challenging it is to treat. In addition, vascular birthmarks are also easier to treat than pigmented birthmarks. While there is no guarantee of complete removal, pico lasers are a non-surgical, non-ablative laser treatment that can be used to effectively remove birthmarks.

Compared to other pigment lasers such as the Q-switch laser, the Pico laser can reduce the number of treatments required and shorten the duration of the treatment. This is because of its high peak power and laser pulse width that is 100 times shorter than that of a traditional laser; thus allowing the pigments to be broken down into smaller particles to be eliminated by the body.

Since it primarily utilises photoacoustic action, PicoWay laser treatment does not come with the risk of harm or damage to the outer layer of the skin. Other than some slight redness and swelling that subsides within a few hours, pico lasers can provide a high clearance rate of benign pigmentations. Studies have also shown that PicoSure lasers work well for birthmarks such as café au lait marks2.

Stop letting your birthmarks define you

Birthmarks are a physical attribute that was given to us since birth but it can cause a significant impact on our confidence and self-identity.

The ultimate goal of birthmark removal is to reduce the appearance of a birthmark or remove it completely. In rare cases, birthmarks might require medical treatment or signify a serious health condition such as in the case of a malignant mole. This is why dermatologists recommend to monitor your moles or attend skin cancer screenings regularly should you experiences symptoms such as itching or bleeding.

Should your mole be considered cancerous, your doctor may then recommend a punch or shave excision or Mohs surgery to cleanly remove all cancerous tissues. The best advice is to get an accurate diagnosis on the type of pigmentation you have and have an experienced dermatologist advise you on your treatment options, predicted outcomes and the possible complications.

Dr Angeline Yong is a dermatologist in Singapore that can utilise both the PicoWay and PicoSure laser as a hybrid treatment to help patients get rid of any unwanted birthmarks or pigmentation. Boasting 3 different wavelengths, she will be able to customise your treatment based on your specific needs and goals.

Possessing in-depth experience and knowledge in dermatological surgery, she is also competent in procedures such as micrographic surgery and hair transplant surgery – allowing her to provide holistic, bespoke treatments that bring out the beauty in each individual.

Ultimately, it is completely okay to embrace your birthmarks. After all, there is a reason why some people call them “beauty marks”! However, if you are concerned about a specific mole or birthmark and considering removal – contact us to book your consultation today.


Belkin, D. A., Neckman, J. P., Jeon, H., Friedman, P., & Geronemus, R. G. (2017). Response to Laser Treatment of Café au Lait Macules Based on Morphologic Features. JAMA dermatology, 153(11), 1158–1161. https://doi.org/10.1001/jamadermatol.2017.2807