Laser Hair Removal And Its Many Impressive Benefits

Laser Hair Removal And Its Many Impressive Benefits

More than 40% of women worldwide experience some degree of unwelcome hair growth. Approximately 10% of these women are of reproductive age and have thick terminal hairs in androgen-dependent parts of their bodies due to excessive levels of circulating androgens, most frequently due to polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). Interestingly, however, most people with unwanted or “extra” hair do not have underlying medical issues, yet their symptoms still manage to cause them a great deal of distress. Several studies examining how excess hair affected people’s psychological health and quality of life discovered a higher risk of emotional distress, sadness, and social isolation.1 That’s where laser hair removal comes in.

What is laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal refers to a medical treatment whereby a focused light beam is used to remove unwanted hair. The right laser emits light during laser hair removal, which is absorbed by the melanin pigment inside the hair. The skin’s tube-shaped sacs (hair follicles) that create hair are affected when light energy is transformed into heat. As such, future hair development is inhibited or delayed by this injury.2

Full disclosure: even while laser hair removal efficiently stops hair growth for extended periods, it may not remove hair permanently and completely. Several laser treatments are required for optimal hair reduction, and follow-up maintenance treatments may be necessary downstream. All skin types can benefit from laser hair removal, although those with pale skin and darker hair are most likely to see the desired results.2

Benefits of laser hair removal

In recent years, laser hair removal has become a viable alternative to waxing, plucking, shaving, threading, and chemical hair removal. It is more practical than being waxed, safer than skin-burning chemicals, and takes less time than shaving every other day. It’s no surprise why so many experts believe you should consider this procedure to remove your unwanted hair long-term. Here are some benefits that explain why:

1. You can avoid ingrown hairs

There is always a chance of developing ingrown hairs as they sprout, whether you wax, epilate, or shave the hair you want to remove. Ingrown hairs are a bothersome and occasionally painful side effect of conventional hair removal techniques, but this typically won’t happen after permanent hair reduction is achieved with laser hair removal.

Ingrown hairs are one of the leading hair removal issues and can be eliminated with regular laser treatments. Hence, laser hair removal may be the answer if ingrown hairs are giving you problems while you shave or wax.

2. There are lesser chances of scars, burns, or cuts

When using hot wax or sharp razors to remove hair, there is always a chance of injuring or burning skin. As such, many would like to avoid doing this because it can hurt and leave ugly skin marks.

After receiving laser hair removal therapy, the treated region may be red or bumpy for 24 to 48 hours, but afterwards, the skin will usually be smooth and hair-free, without any wounds or bruises.

3. Hair regrowth is slower and finer

While laser hair treatments cannot assure permanent hair removal, hair growth can be significantly reduced in both frequency and thickness. This is because the time it takes for the hair to grow back will get longer and longer after every laser hair removal procedure.

If hair does grow back, it will probably be much sparser and thinner than before, making them less conspicuous and simpler to manage.

4. Your skin will be smoother

Laser hair removal will leave your skin significantly smoother than other hair removal methods, unlike waxing or shaving, where you can end up with “chicken skin” or a less smooth finish every time. Therefore the potential of rough skin due to uneven skin or stubble is eliminated.


Laser hair removal is incredibly effective for people all over the world. If you are struggling with excessive hair growth or are just looking for a more convenient, safe, and long-lasting hair removal alternative, laser hair removal treatment is the right course of action for you.

Angeline Yong Dermatology is a comprehensive dermatology clinic that offers effective laser hair removal treatments for all skin types. Contact us today to learn more.


Krasniqi, D. P. McClurg, K. J. Gillespie & S. Rajpara (2022) Efficacy of lasers and light sources in long-term hair reduction: a systematic review, Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy, 24:1-5, 1-8, DOI: 10.1080/14764172.2022.2075899

Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. (2022, May 4). Laser hair removal. Mayo Clinic. Retrieved February 21, 2023, from