The Most Frequently Asked Questions After A Hair Transplant

The Most Frequently Asked Questions After A Hair Transplant

Hair loss is prevalent in both male and female populations, with up to 85% of men and almost 40% of women experiencing it. It’s no wonder there’s been a marked focus on scientific advancement in safe and effective hair restoration surgery – also known as a hair transplant.1

Today’s hair transplantation is possible through the utilisation of a technique known as follicular unit transplantation.2 While not all hair loss disorders are receptive to hair restoration surgery, this can be discerned by a visit to a dermatologist.

The process of hair transplantation is usually divided into three aspects; pre-, during, and post-operation. Despite the extensive number of factors to consider after the transplantation is done, it isn’t as complicated a procedure as you may think it is.

To retain the best possible results from a hair transplant operation, it’s vital that you take specific guidelines into account for some time afterwards. While these general rules are helpful, they are also subject to your own discretion and experiences. Here are some of the most common concerns after getting a hair transplant and their responses.

  • How long does the recovery period last? 

Upon getting a hair transplant, you will be given several recommendations by a specialist depending on the density of the transplant. These recommendations should be carefully followed for successful, long-lasting effects and a shorter recovery time.

You must wash your hair as instructed by the specialist with the recommended shampoo for as long as you’re told to ensure optimum results. While healing only takes about ten days, the recovery process lasts between six to ten weeks. The final outcome of the procedure may only show up a year after completion.

  • What do I do if my head itches after surgery?

An itchy scalp after a hair transplant is commonplace during the healing process, a state that is induced by its drying and crusting.3 This may even continue for the first few months and is no cause for concern. What’s important is that you do not attempt to scratch at the recipient areas, as it is still working to keep the hair in place for the next three weeks at a minimum. Failure to withhold yourself from doing so may lead to the displacement of the newly transplanted hair. If you can’t help but scratch the area, rub the affected area lightly without using your fingernails instead.

Gently washing your own hair is usually allowed from the second post-operative day  and this may help to relieve some itchiness along with oral antihistamines or a topical steroid solution.3

  • Is hair loss normal after getting a hair transplant? 

Loss of non-transplanted hair happens quite often after the operation. This occurrence is known as effluvium or shock loss and occurs after a month of the transplant. The competition from newly transplanted follicles, vascular trauma during the creation of slits, or even excessive edema are some of the contributing factors. Those receiving hair restoration surgery should be warned of this effect to reduce any feelings of shock if it happens.3

A minoxidil solution may be used to aid in the regrowth of hair, but the hair tends to grow back within 3-4 months of it occurring either way.3

  • Can I wear hair accessories or hats after getting the hair transplant?

After hair restoration surgery, the grafts may take anywhere between a week to ten days to fully take hold and adhere to their current positions. Until then, pressing down or compressing them would be unwise. Hats and various hair accessories can compress, move, or dislodge the grafts, which may impede the hair transplant from yielding the desired results. After the graft achieves permanence, you can wear these accessories should you choose to do so.

  • How long should the swelling last after surgery?

Postoperative swelling is likely to occur after the day after the surgery. It can affect the areas around the eyes and temples while you are healing, or it may never happen at all. These effects could potentially be reduced by the prescription of oral prednisolone for 1 week post surgery.3

There is also some evidence to suggest that lying in a supine flat position or sitting up slightly can improve the speed at which the swelling goes down. The advice is to never sleep in a prone position.

If the swelling is accompanied by pain and redness, with or without a fever, you should seek immediate help.


Every individual who undergoes hair restoration surgery will have their own unique needs and experiences. While there are general guidelines that you can adhere to that broadly covers a list of problems one could potentially have, it’s vital that you receive the help and guidance you need from a trusted professional.

Angeline Yong Dermatology is a dermatology clinic that presents people with comprehensive one-stop medical and surgical hair-loss solutions and reliable aid for what comes after. Contact us today to learn more.


Zito PM, Raggio BS. Hair Transplantation. [Updated 2022 Aug 25]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan-. Available from:

Khanna M. (2008). Hair transplantation surgery. Indian journal of plastic surgery : official publication of the Association of Plastic Surgeons of India41(Suppl), S56–S63.

Garg, A. K., & Garg, S. (2021). Complications of Hair Transplant Procedures-Causes and Management. Indian journal of plastic surgery : official publication of the Association of Plastic Surgeons of India54(4), 477–482.