

cosmetic. surgical. medical.

List of Treatments



FORMA is a modality that helps tighten skin on the face, neck, and body. This is a radio frequency (RF) technology that gives off a warm, deep heat. Forma uses RF energy to stimulate new collagen production and provide optimal skin contraction in the deep layers of your skin.

FORMA is suitable for the face, neck, décolleté and the area around the eyes. FORMA remodels and tightens the facial contour by stimulating the production of its own collagen. FORMA uses a new generation of radio frequency energy, that is delivered to the deeper layers of the skin, it works evenly to treat areas uniformly for maximum safety and harmonious results.



What can you expect?

Several sessions are needed to achieve visible results, and 6 to 8 are needed for optimal results. FORMA is not a permanent procedure, so after the first session, your therapist will customise an individual program and regime, through which the results will be maintained for as long as possible. During the procedure, most patients feel warm and can feel the skin tighten. During the treatment procedure, patients will start to notice reduced wrinkles on the skin, as it becomes smoother, more elastic, toned and lifted. It is desirable that FORMA procedures be combined with a healthy lifestyle and fluid intake.

Specialized range of treatments